What Are Fastbraces for Teeth?

Maria Marzo DDS • Feb 22, 2021

Fastbraces are a much quicker way to straighten your smile than traditional braces. They also preserve your natural bite, which is more comfortable.

Do you feel self-conscious about your teeth? 

Do you dream of a straighter smile without having to go through years of treatment? 

Do you think it’s too late to get the dazzling smile you’ve always wanted? 

If this sounds like you, then Fastbraces could be exactly what you’re looking for. It is a safe, fast and affordable way to get the smile that you have been wishing for. 

Keep reading to find out more about Fastbraces, how they work, and why they could be the right choice for you. 

What Are Fastbraces?

Fastbraces are a new, faster way to straighten your teeth. They are similar to traditional braces, in that they move your teeth into a better position. But they straighten your teeth in significantly less time than traditional braces. 

Like traditional braces, brackets are attached to the outer-facing sides of every tooth in your mouth. A strong dental adhesive is used to keep these secure and in place during your treatment. 

But what's unique about Fastbraces? It's the shape of these brackets. They are triangular, rather than square, and reach down to the root of your teeth. This gives your orthodontist more control over the movement of your teeth. 

These triangular brackets are then connected by a wire, that goes through every bracket that is attached to every tooth. 

How Do Fastbraces Actually Work?

The brackets and wire on your teeth mean that pressure can be applied to your teeth, and adjustments can easily be made. This pressure gradually moves your teeth into a new, straighter position. 

With traditional braces, the teeth move in a two stage process. The top of the tooth moves first, then followed by the roots. 

But with Fastbraces, the entire tooth moves at one time. That means that the top and root of the tooth move together. This makes the process much faster and more efficient. 

What Are the Benefits of Fastbraces?

There are many benefits to choosing Fastbraces, which could make it the right treatment option for you. 

As mentioned, Fastbraces dramatically reduce the length of time that your orthodontic treatment takes. The Fastbraces method can take half the time of traditional braces. Most Fastbraces treatments take between three to twelve months. But some people can start to see great results within just a few short weeks. 

Because the process is faster, you don’t need to visit the orthodontist as many times as you would with traditional braces. This can drastically reduce the cost of treatment and is why Fastbraces is a more affordable option. It can cost about half the amount of traditional braces. 

The quick process also means that the brackets and wire are in your mouth for a shorter amount of time. Therefore, there is less time for any bacteria and plaque to build up around these appliances. This reduces the risk of developing any oral health problems and keeps your teeth and gums healthy

You may feel some discomfort as your teeth move, and that is completely normal. But, because the top and root of the tooth move at the same time, it is less painful than traditional braces. 

The fact that the whole tooth is moving at once also means that your jawbone reabsorbs the root faster. This means that your teeth will quickly stabilize in their new, straight position. 

Fastbraces also preserve your natural bite. This means that you don’t have the discomfort of having to relearn how to bite, talk and chew during and after your treatment. 

Fastbraces drastically reduce the need for any extractions. Because the process moves the entire tooth, you often don’t need any teeth removed. This means that treatment can begin more quickly, as you don't need time for extractions and healing. It also means that you don't need to go through the extraction process (which isn't enjoyable!). 

Do You Have to Wear a Retainer after Fastbraces?

Fastbraces make your teeth move faster than traditional braces. But does that mean that you have to wear a retainer for long? No, you don’t have to wear a retainer for as long as you would with traditional braces! 

Once the Fast Braces wires and brackets are removed from your teeth, your orthodontist will give you a custom-made retainer to wear. This will stop your teeth from shifting. 

After traditional braces are removed, people often need to wear their retainer for 22 hours every day, for several months. After Fast Braces are removed, you only have to wear your retainer for 10 to 15 minutes every day to keep your teeth in position. 

Are Fastbraces Right for Me?

Orthodontic treatments aren’t just for teens and young adults. If you want to get straighter teeth, you can make it happen at any time. 

That’s why Fastbraces are perfect for people of all ages. 

However, Fastbraces is not recommended for people with impacted teeth, surgical cases, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain. If you have any doubts or questions, it's best to talk to your orthodontist about the best options for you. 

Getting Your Fastbraces

Fastbraces are quick, safe, and efficient. They also have a huge number of benefits that make Fastbraces a better option than traditional braces. 

They can give you the straight teeth that you’ve been dreaming of. 

Do Fastbraces sound like what you’re looking for? Contact us now to find out more and start your journey to your perfect smile.

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