• Invisalign

    Finger Lakes Family Dental offers Invisalign clear retainers, a hassle-free alternative to traditional braces. Our clinic in Painted Post, NY also offers Invisalign to patients from Corning, Bath, Horseheads, and surrounding towns.

    Everyone wants a healthy, attractive smile. However, many people are not willing to go through the necessary steps to have the smile they have always wanted. The main reason for this is that many people see dental care as invasive, time-consuming, costly, and embarrassing. Teens and adults imagine having to wear clunky braces at their age and decide instead that it may be better to simply not smile. However, there is an alternative to braces that is both noninvasive and practically impossible to detect. This solution goes by the name of Invisalign.
    Straighten Your Teeth with Invisalign

    The Benefits of Invisalign over Braces

    Traditional braces consist of metal wires and braces bonded to each tooth. They are bulky, high-maintenance, and can leave micro wounds and sores on the insides of your cheeks. Invisalign retainers, on the other hand, are easier to manage. They are less invasive andmore comfortable to wear.

    Invisalign retainers are also removable. That’s right; you can take them out during meals and eat and drink whatever you like. You must, however, brush and floss before wearing the retainers again. Finally, Invisalign treatment requires fewer trips to the dentist.

    In a nutshell, Invisalign is more convenient, manageable, and less painful than traditional braces.

    Who Needs Invisalign?

    Invisalign is the ideal treatment for varying degrees of malocclusion. It corrects gaps, overcrowding, crossbites, and deep overbites or underbites.

    The appliance is for anyone who wants to improve his or her teeth’s alignment without having to wear traditional braces. Teenagers, athletes, and people who work in sales, marketing, performing arts, entertainment, and customer service will benefit the most from this treatment.

    Visit Finger Lakes Family Dental and request an Invisalign consultation if you’re from Corning, NY, Painted Post, NY, Horseheads, NY, Elmira, NY, Watkins Glen, NY, Bath, NY, Addison, NY, Wellsboro, PA, Mansfield, PA and surrounding areas.

    How Invisalign Works

    Invisalign clear aligners are custom-made “trays” that straighten teeth over a period of 3 to 12 months. The treatment could be longer, however, depending on the extent of the malocclusion.

    A solid set of snug-fitting braces, Invisalign retainers force teeth into position and straighten them over time. As the treatment progresses and your teeth start shifting, you will get new, re-fitted sets of Invisalign retainers every 4 to 6 weeks until you achieve the ideal alignment. How frequently you need to change your retainers depends on how fast your teeth respond to the treatment.
    Schedule a Consultation for Invisalign

    Putting It All Together

    Having crooked or misaligned teeth is not the end of the world. With today’s advancements in technology, there are new and exciting ways to treat these problems without invasive dental procedures. As a result, there has never been a better time to take the initiative and give yourself the smile you have always wanted.

    Straight teeth can give you the confidence to smile more and interact more often with others. They’re also easier to brush and floss. As long as you maintain proper oral hygiene habits, you’ll have a lower risk of acquiring diseases due to plaque and bacteria buildup. With all these attributes, it’s not surprising that millions of people are taking advantage of Invisalign.

    If you seek a dental clinic offering Invisalign treatment near Corning, NY, Painted Post, NY, Horseheads, NY, Elmira, NY, Watkins Glen, NY, Bath, NY, Addison, NY, Wellsboro, PA, and Mansfield, PA, visit us at 326 North Hamilton Street, Painted Post, or contact us to schedule an appointment.
    Receive Your Invisalign Treatment Now

    Frequently Asked Questions 

    • What is Invisalign® treatment?

      Invisalign treatment is an orthodontic treatment that involves a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. No brackets and wires, and none of the restrictions that come with metal braces.

    • What is the treatment process?

      Invisalign treatment begins with a consultation with your doctor. He or she will evaluate your smile and discuss your teeth-straightening goals with you. Then, he or she will present you with a digital treatment plan that demonstrates how your smile will change over time. Your doctor will go over the timeline of your treatment plan, as well as treatment cost.

      Once you approve your plan, your aligners will be created. You will wear each set of aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day, changing to a new set of aligners every 1 to 2 weeks. Your doctor will schedule regular appointments (typically once every four to six weeks) to monitor your progress.

    • What are the benefits of Invisalign treatment?
      • Invisalign aligners are discrete — people may not even notice them. 
      • You can remove them to eat and drink, to brush and floss, or for special occasions. 
      • Invisalign treatment does not use wires or brackets, so you don’t need to change the way you brush and floss. You can also continue to eat your favorite foods.
      • Unlike other brands, Invisalign aligners are made from SmartTrack material, which is more comfortable and provides a better fit. The aligners are also adjusted to fit your gum line for comfort and appearance. 
    • Is Invisalign treatment painful?

      Some people feel temporary discomfort (pressure) during the first few days of wearing a new set of aligners. This discomfort is normal — it shows that your aligners are transforming your smile.

    • How long will treatment take?

      Several factors can affect your treatment time, including the complexity of your case and how often you wear your aligners. Invisalign treatment tends to take 12 to 18 months, but you can begin to see results within a few weeks.

    • My doctor mentioned "attachments." What are they and why would I need them for my Invisalign treatment?

      Your Invisalign treatment may require SmartForce® attachments, which are discrete, small tooth-colored shapes that are attached to your teeth. These shapes help the aligners move your teeth with the right amount of force, and make complex tooth movements possible. 

      If you need SmartForce attachments, your doctor will attach them at the start of treatment and remove them when your treatment is over.

    • How much does Invisalign treatment cost?

      Typically, the cost of Invisalign treatment is similar to the cost of traditional braces. Your doctor will determine the cost of your treatment based on how complex your case is and how many aligners you need.

    • Will Invisalign clear aligners work for me if I have had dental work, such as veneers, crowns, or bridges?

      It depends. Talk with your doctor about the dental work you’ve had done, and he or she will assess whether Invisalign aligners are the best option for you. Unfortunately, Invisalign aligners tend to be ineffective for patients with bridgework.

    • Will I need to wear a retainer after treatment to prevent my teeth from moving again?

      It is recommended that patients who have completed any type of orthodontic treatment, use a retainer to prevent their teeth from shifting. Every case is unique, so ask your doctor if you will need to wear retainers after completing your treatment.

    Finger Lakes Family Dental 

    275 S Hamilton St,
    Painted Post, NY 14870
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