7 Signs You Need Emergency Dental Care

Maria Marzo DDS • Feb 03, 2023

When it comes to situations that require an immediate visit to a dental clinic, explore 7 signs that you need emergency dental care.

Visiting Dr. Marzo and our team of hygienists every six months is a great way to stay on top of your oral care. Regular cleanings and checkups can prevent plaque buildup and ensure that any early warning signs of dental issues are caught and treated before they get worse.

However, even when you're diligent about your biannual appointments, you can still encounter dental emergencies. Should you wait until your next appointment to ask us about a major problem area? No!

Instead, seek emergency dental care. We offer emergency dental services to make sure that you get the treatment you need as soon as you need it.

Not sure if you're in need of an emergency dentist in Corning, NY? Read on for seven signs that it's time to give us a call.

1. You Have Sudden Tooth Loss

No one expects to lose their adult teeth, especially when those teeth are healthy. However, accidents can occur that cause one or more teeth to come loose and fall out.

If you've lost a healthy tooth in a sudden accident, grab that tooth and place it back in the socket and give us a call. If the tooth is intact and remains viable until you come in for treatment, we can replace it in your gums. Otherwise, we can begin the process of outfitting you with a temporary crown to prevent further damage before you receive a permanent replacement.

2. You Have Facial Swelling

Some facial swelling occurs in response to a blow to the face or an allergic reaction. However, if you are experiencing facial swelling and you don't know the cause, it's time to come and see us.

Swelling is often a sign of a serious infection. If the swelling occurs in the gums, face, or lymph nodes, your emergency dentist is the right place to go. Leaving a facial infection untreated can lead to more serious health conditions, so pick up the phone ASAP.

3. You're Experiencing Oral Pain

If you're experiencing oral pain that is distracting you, keeping you awake, preventing you from eating, or otherwise disrupting your life, you don't have to grin and bear it. Severe oral pain can indicate a serious dental issue and can radiate down the neck and across the jaw, making the discomfort even harder to bear.

Often, we will begin our assessment of oral pain with a few x-rays. This can help us to identify any problem areas in the teeth or jaw bone. From there, we can take steps to alleviate your pain and begin treatment to fix the problem for good.

4. Your Tooth Is Cracked or Broken

Sometimes, oral accidents leave a tooth cracked or broken, rather than knocking it out completely. Teeth can become cracked or broken in a variety of ways ranging from a blow to the face to biting down on a piece of hard candy. It may not seem like a big deal at first, but it's best to have that tooth checked out right away.

When teeth break or crack, the priority is to save them. When the tooth goes untreated, it can develop cavities or the crack or break can deepen, exposing the tooth's root and causing pain or infection. The faster you have that problem tooth checked out, the more likely it is that a simple treatment will keep the tooth healthy and intact for years to come, sparing you the need for extraction and replacement down the road.

5. You've Noticed an Oral Growth or Sore

When you notice an abnormality in your mouth like a growth or sore, you shouldn't ignore it. Yes, some minor sores are the result of a cut or scrape and may heal on their own. However, oral growths and sores on the lips or inside the mouth can indicate a more serious problem: oral cancer.

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, an estimated 54,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer each year. Like all forms of cancer, the earlier it is detected and treated, the better the odds are for a positive outcome. Call for emergency services so that we can inspect the growth or sore and evaluate the possibility that it requires more serious treatment.

6. You're Bleeding Profusely

Sometimes, the gums may bleed a bit after you brush or floss, especially if you haven't made flossing a part of your daily routine. A small amount of blood tends to indicate that you'll want to start ramping up your at-home oral hygiene routine to improve your gum health.

What if the bleeding doesn't stop quickly or you're noticing a large amount of blood all at once? Profuse bleeding is often a sign of advanced gingivitis, and it's worth coming to see us right away. By tackling gingivitis head-on, we can make sure that you maintain a full and healthy smile.

7. Your Jaw Is Causing Discomfort

Most people can slide their jaw back and forth, chew, and talk without experiencing discomfort. An estimated 5-12% of people, however, may discover that their jaw function is impaired due to a disorder called TMJ.

If your jaw pops or clicks when you open it, hurts when you move it, or locks up so that you can't open your mouth all the way, let us know. Many people don't realize that TMJ symptoms are a sign that they should call their emergency dentist. By telling us about your symptoms, we can help you find the treatment you need to alleviate that pain and discomfort in your jaw.

Got an Emergency? Seek Emergency Dental Care

At Finger Lakes Family Dentistry, Dr. Marzo and Dr. Steiner work hard alongside a team of experienced dental hygienists to keep your smile healthy. When you have an emergency, we're also here to provide you with emergency dental care.

Contact us today to schedule your next appointment. If it's an emergency, we urge you to call so that we can schedule your appointment as soon as possible.

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